ground orchid

How to Care for Ground Orchids

Table of Contents Have you been afraid of growing ground orchids, as many gardeners say that the flowers are difficult to grow and care for? Then think again, as we here at Plantly want to help by providing you with some easy tips to get started. But before we get into all the details, it…
fallen orchid flowers

Reasons Why Orchid Flowers Fall Off

Table of Contents Hello to our Plantly friends! We all know how you adore our orchids with their exuberant blooms. But the problem is the gorgeous flower spike is starting to droop, and the flower falls off. Most likely, your plant has already completed its blooming cycle and is now entering hibernation. This period is…
droopy orchids

5 Reasons Why Your Orchid Leaves Drooping

Table of Contents Although orchid leaves aren’t their crowning glory, seeing them droop can be worrisome. Leaves will speak so much about the overall health of any plant including your beloved orchids. So, if ever you see them droop, Plantly suggest not to overlook them. It’s time to do some serious investigation. Orchid Leaves Drooping:…
orchid blooms

How Long Do Orchid Blooms Last?

Table of Contents If you’re an orchid lover, there’s nothing more satisfying than a view of an orchid blooming. The flowers that they produce are exceptionally gorgeous and long-lasting. Because of their appearance and long life, orchid flowers are even used as cut flowers when doing flower arrangements. They’re also a perfect addition to a…
flowering orchids

How to Apply Orchid Fertilizer?

Table of Contents Orchid plants are quite adorable especially when they produce their showy blooms. Naturally, they’re known as epiphytes which collect air and nutrients from the air. However, when cultivated, feeding them with fertilizer is a standard practice by experienced orchid growers to encourage them to bloom. This time, Plantly will guide you on…
orchid watering

Ways to Properly Do Orchid Watering

Table of Contents The cause of most orchids dying results from improper watering. While watering orchids is not complicated but needs a different mindset than your regular houseplants. All you need is a basic understanding of how your orchid works. Plantly will help you how. Understanding the Orchid Roots The majority of orchid plants found…
flowering orchid

Orchid Care After Flowering: A Complete Guide

Table of Contents Here at Plantly, I can never forget my Grandma saying, “Never buy orchid flowers. They do not make excellent houseplants.” Of course, as Grandma was the garden expert, I tend to believe her. Still, who can resist these exotic flowers, and yes, you find yourself leaving with one when visiting the garden…
dying orchid

Expert Tips To Revive A Dying Orchid

Table of Contents Any indoor or outdoor plant is our prized possession, most especially our beloved orchids. We will do everything to care for it. But there comes a time when it looks like our orchids are dying. You notice the orchid leaves falling with the slightest change of temperature, light, and water. Oh, my…
orchid flowers

Orchid Flower Meaning and Symbolism

Table of Contents Did you know that each colored orchid flower has a meaning the same as each rainbow color? The meaning and symbolism are different and unique in themselves. Whether you have blue, purple, orange, yellow, pink, white, or red, they’re all unique. You may treat your orchids as an indoor or outdoor plants,…
orchid plant care

Is My Orchid Dead? What are the Signs?

Table of Contents There is nothing more breathtaking than an orchid in full bloom. Yet, these indoor plants are fussy and want their environment to be 100% good. If not, they get sick and eventually die. But what are the tell-tale signs that your orchid roots are dying? Is My Orchid Flowers Dead? Your orchids…
ludisia orchid @flickr

Jewel Orchid Plant Care

Table of Contents Unlike other orchid species, the Ludisia orchid is one spectacular orchid to grow. The houseplant is the Jewel Orchid prized for more foliage than the flower. Today, we will share a secret about where you can find this unique plant and how to care for it. Where is the Natural Habitat of the Jewel…
cattleya orchid with purple blooms

Cattleya Orchid Plant Care

Table of Contents The Cattleya orchid from the Cattleya genus is the first thing you think of when orchids come to mind. The Cattleya orchids bloom showy, fragrant flowers. The blooms you’ll find in different color combinations and shapes. The fantastic thing is most species sport a large bloom stretching several inches across, and others have…