How To Care Adromischus Herrei

The Adromischus marianae herrei or adromischus marianiae plant is a succulent that originates from South Africa. It’s a slow grower that can reach up to 12 inches in height and 12 inches in width. It has thick, fleshy leaves that are grey-green and have white spots.

It is also a great plant for beginners because it is easy to care for and is tolerant of neglect.

More About Adromischus Herrei

The adromischus marianae herrei is a succulent plant that’s native to Southern Africa. It’s a popular plant because it’s easy to care for and can tolerate being potbound. It prefers warm temperatures and low humidity levels.

It can tolerate some cold weather but will go dormant in winter. If you live in a cold climate, it’s best to grow them as an indoor plant where it will be protected from frost-free conditions.

To encourage bushier growth, you can pinch back the adromischus herrei. Pinching the back also promotes more flowers. It blooms in small, white flowers in summer.

Adromischus Marianae Herrei Plant Care

marianae herrei succulent

This outdoor plant is easy to care for and is tolerant of neglect. It does best in bright, indirect light but can also tolerate some direct sun. It prefers well-draining soil and should be allowed to dry out completely between waterings.

The adromischus herrei is a slow grower and doesn’t need much fertilizer. If you do fertilize, use a succulent-specific fertilizer and apply it sparingly.

The Type of Soil That Adromischus Herrei Needs

succulent mix

The adromischus herrei grows best in shallow, sandy, well-drained potting soil. If your soil is heavy or clay-like, you can mix in some perlite or sand to help with drainage. It does not like to sit in wet soil and will rot if the roots are constantly wet.

When and How Often to Water Adromischus Herrei

The adromischus herrei should be watered when the soil is completely dry. In winter, the adromischus herrei may only need to be watered once a month. When watering, make sure to drench the soil and then allow it to drain completely.

This plant stores water in its leaves. This means that it doesn’t need to be watered as often as other plants. In general, you should water the adromischus herrei once every week to 10 days.

However, how often you water will depend on the potting mix, the size of the pot, the temperature, and the humidity levels.

For example, if you live in a hot climate or your home is very dry, you may need to water more often. If you live in a cooler climate or your home has high humidity levels, you may only need to water every two weeks. When in doubt, it’s better to underwater than overwater.

To water the adromischus herrei, soak the soil until it’s saturated and then allow the excess water to drain away. Don’t let the plant sit in water because this can cause the rotting of roots. If you’re not sure if the plant needs water, stick your finger into the soil.

If it’s dry several inches below the surface, it’s time to water.

Light Requirement for Adromischus Herrei

Adromischus herrei in bright, indirect light

In their natural habitat, you can find this succulent under a shrub or among rocks. This plant does best in bright, indirect light but can also tolerate some full sun. If you live in a hot climate, it’s best to give the adromischus herrei some afternoon shade to prevent the leaves from getting sunburned.

Fertilizer Needs for Adromischus Herrei

It is a slow grower and doesn’t need much fertilizer. If you do fertilize, use a succulent-specific fertilizer and apply it sparingly. Fertilize the adromischus herrei in spring and summer when it’s actively growing.

At home, they’ll prefer gritty, well-drained growing material. Build a mineral-heavy soil with very little organic matter. It needs perfect drainage to flourish.

Temperature and Humidity Levels

The adromischus herrei prefers warm temperatures and low humidity. It can tolerate some cold weather, but it will go dormant in winter. If you live in a cold climate, it’s best to grow the adromischus herrei indoors where it will be protected from a little frost hardy up to 32 F (0°C).

Repotting and Propagation

potting marianae herrei

This plant doesn’t need to be repotted often and can even tolerate being potbound. Repot the adromischus herrei every 2 to 3 years in spring.

If you want to propagate, it’s easy to do so from leaf cuttings. Just allow the cuttings to callous over for a few days and then plant them in well-drained soil.

Andromischus Herrei Varieties

There are two popular varieties of adromischus herrei:

1. Adromischus herrei ‘Variegatus’ has striking leaves that are grey-green with white spots.

2. Adromischus herrei ‘Crassulifolius’ has thick, fleshy leaves that are dark green.

Which adromischus herrei plant you choose will depend on your personal preference. Both varieties are easy to care for and make great plants for beginners.

Andromischus Herrei Diseases and Pests

The adromischus marianae herrei is relatively resistant to pests and diseases but can be susceptible to mealybugs and aphids. If you notice any pests on your plant, you can remove them by hand or treat the plant with insecticidal soap.

The adromischus herrei is also susceptible to root rot if it’s overwatered. To prevent root rot, make sure to only water when the soil is completely dry. If you notice any signs of root rot, such as yellowing leaves or mushy stems, you can try to save the plant by removing it from the pot and allowing the roots to dry out.

Once the roots are dry, you can replant them in well-drained soil.

Where to Buy Adromischus Herrei Plant?

If you’re looking for adromischus herrei succulent plants, you can find them at your local nursery or online. Some popular places to buy these plants include:

  • Mountain Crest Gardens

  • The Succulent Source

  • Succulents Box

  • Etsy

  • Plantly

When buying these plants, make sure to choose a reputable seller. This will ensure that you get a healthy plant that’s easy to care for.

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