Best Hanging Plants That Will Delight Your Houseguests

Are you tired of the common plants in your household? Want to change something? Do you want to change it so badly that you want to turn everything upside down? Luckily for you, there is no need to turn the whole home upside down to change something. Buy a couple of hanging plants.

If you want a visit to your house to be remembered by your houseguests, add a boho exotic touch to it. Hanging plants (and I) will help you get there.

Best Hanging Houseplants

Spider Plant

Spider plant

If you let them, spider plants can take up a lot of space, so it is excellent for big hallways, for example, or some other significant places that need to be filled with greenery.

The leaves leave you breathless when it comes to the spider plant. They are thin, long, and beautifully variegated. Find a well-drained soil mix.

Place the pot somewhere bright but away from direct sunlight. Average room temperatures (13-27 degrees Celsius) will be okay.  Also, the spider plant isn’t toxic to people or animals.

Spider plants produce flowers that develop into small bundles, called ‘spiderettes’. This way, they create a messy, unorganized jungle look. This adds to their ‘best-hanging plants’ title, of course.

English Ivy

English ivy

This one overwhelmingly reminds me of childhood – the big houses overgrown with ivy.

Still, few people know you can cultivate English ivy in a pot! Instead of letting it climb walls, let it fall around the pot! Pruning is always an option, so you can shape the plant however you like.

The beautiful vines and the growth potential of English ivy put it alongside some of the best indoor hanging plants.

Besides that, it isn’t a demanding hanging plant – plant it in a shallow and wide pot and fill it with the regular potting mix. Occasional misting is required. And that is all!

If you have a large room and don’t know how to fill the space, place English ivy there. It will conquer the space with its eye-catching vines.

Air Plants

Air plant

Air Plant or Tillandsia is one of the most popular indoor hanging plants! You’ll notice that this is the only plant stated in plural form on the list at the beginning of the article.

That is because the air plant is a family of plants, not a particular species.

They can live entirely without soil. They are most eye-catching when hanging in glass bowls. In the northern European countries, they are traditional Christmas gifts.

They aren’t high-demanding – they only need a lot of light and good airflow! Water them using a spray bottle.

Although you can see air plants being sold in closed glass terrariums, this isn’t the best solution. Instead, look for containers with large holes that ensure good airflow.

Trailing Jade

Trailing jade

I am a big fan of the jade plant in general. This one is just more extraordinary than the regular jade plant. The foliage of trailing jade is growing circularly so that it ‘hugging’ the whole pot.

The leaves are oval, medium-sized, growing on long branches.

Because of its magnificent look, trailing jade is one of the most extravagant hanging indoor plants. It has a small root system; thus, you shouldn’t water trailing jade abundantly.

Too much water may cause root rot. Let the soil become dry to the touch before you water it.  As a succulent, trailing jade is very drought tolerant.

The only wrong thing you can do is overwater it. Also, always use the commercial succulent potting mix when planting a trailing jade vine.

Since almost arid soil is a must-have, I will tell you a little trick to encourage the drying process. Just plant trailing jade in a clay pot. This natural material will help the soil dry out instead of maintaining humidity and water.

Chenille Plant

Chenille plant

If you would like to escape the regular green leafy look of a plant and go for something a little more extravagant, then the chenille plant is the one for you! It is a fast-growing plant that will require occasional pruning because of its leaves that grow in abundance.

Besides the aesthetic moment, the chenille plant needs pruning to enhance new growth.

Their flowers will bring everyone’s attention – long, fuzzy, and red. The flowers are pistils gathered in a clump.

Chenille plants are fast-growing, and you should place them somewhere that won’t obstruct everyday movement.

Boston Fern

Boston fern

The feathery bright green leaves will look astonishing hanging from the basket! Boston Fern is a tropical plant that likes a lot of humidity.

Still, it is pretty tolerant to lower humidity conditions, as well. Not only is Boston Fern an air purifier, but it is also safe for children and pets.

Boston Fern needs excellent air circulation. Thus, try positioning the basket as far from the ceiling as possible.

Cissus Discolor vine

ciccus discolor vine

This is a stunning houseplant with colorful leaves in purple, green, and white variegation. This plant is mainly planted with moss poles or trellis to display its gorgeous, big leaves.

This plant is also great in hanging baskets or a pot that you can put on shelves for a vibrant display.

To care, place in bright, indirect light, water moderately, and keep humidity high. Avoid direct sun—a perfect choice for adding a pop of color indoors.

Vining Philodendron

vining philodendron micans

With its trailing growth habit, vining philodendron naturally cascades over the sides of pots and hanging baskets.


pothos plant

Pothos’ long, trailing vines look beautiful, spilling out of hanging pots, are low-maintenance, and are easy to care for.

Cebu blue, Manjula, neon, and the Njoy pothos are some of the most beautiful pothos used as indoor decorative.

HoyaHoya bella

Hoya’s vining stems are ideal for hanging pots where they can freely dangle down. Their waxy, shiny leaves and fragrant flowers make these plants stand out.

Hoya loves bright, indirect light, so placing them near a window is ideal. It provides a full spectrum of grow light for robust growth and encourages flowering.

Monstera adansonii ( Swiss Cheese Plant ) 

Monstera adansonii

The long vines and natural holes in Monstera Adansonii’s leaves add visual interest and texture to hanging displays.

The Swiss cheese plant thrives in bright, indirect light and a well-draining mix.

Nanouk Tradescantia


This trailing plant has stunning multicolored leaves that make a statement and stand out in hanging baskets.

Maranta prayer plant


Its spreading, low growth makes it ideal for placement in a hanging pot where its foliage can trail over the sides.

Maranta can tolerate low light settings but occasionally provide them with natural light.

An early morning sun would be ideal for the dramatic prayer plants.

String of pearls

String of Pearls

With its cascading strands of round, bead-like leaves, the string of pearls makes an ideal hanging plant as its stems can freely trail down from a suspended pot.

String of pearls thrives in bright light, well-draining soil, and occasional watering that is timed carefully to avoid oversaturation.

Allow the soil to dry out between waterings and provide this succulent with plenty of sunlight to encourage growth.

Burro’s Tail ( Sedum morganianum )

Sedum morganianum

With its dense, trailing stems and blue-green pointed leaves, Burro’s Tail creates a beautiful cascading effect in hanging baskets as its stems hang down. 

Burro’s Tail thrives in sunny locations, fast-draining soil, and occasional watering, allowing the soil to dry out between waterings to prevent rot entirely. 

Providing bright light and proper drainage will keep this succulent’s unique trailing stems and leaves happily growing in a suspended pot.

Whether you want to buy, sell, or simply reach out to other plant enthusiasts, Plantly is the right place to be!

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