Hedge Plants Collection

Plants grown specifically to create a hedge are a line of closely spaced shrubs or trees planted in a row to provide a barrier or screen for privacy, wind protection, or to define a boundary.

Hedge plants like privet, boxwood, yew, and arborvitae are planted in a row to form a dense boundary for privacy or windbreaks. When trimmed and maintained to shape, these closely spaced evergreen shrubs or trees create living fences, screens, or borders. Popular hedge plants include privet, boxwood, cedar, cypress, laurel, and photinia.

  • English Ivy | Gold Child | Hedera helix | 6" Pot

    English Ivy | Gold Child | Hedera helix | 6″ Pot

    Only 8 available and it's in 1 people's basket

    Available in 6″ pot. Plants vary meaning you may not receive exactly the one pictured; plant may or may not have an extra arm/growth, but you will receive a healthy, well sized plant.

    All plants are grown in the same weather conditions but that does not guaranteed the same color, size

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