Fun Plant-Folklores: Interesting Plant Stories

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I know it’s already 2022, the age of modern technology and science. People, nowadays, barely believe in folklore and superstitions. We’re living in an evidence-based, research-based world because it’s the way it should be, right?

But for the sake of fun times, let’s take a look at some of the popular superstitions, legends, myths, and other traditions about plants and gardening. You’ll be surprised to know more of these exciting stories below.

10 Superstitions and Traditions

Stolen plants will grow better

stealing plants

Just to be clear, I’m not encouraging you to steal any plant. We know that’s a bad thing, okay? But there exists a superstitious belief that stolen plants will grow better to make you feel guilty over the misdeed.

Imagine stealing a beautiful plant, and being reminded that you did something wrong every day! That must engrave something deep in our conscience.

Some say that this belief only applies to herbs, meaning not all plant species will respond that way. But of course, we can never verify if that’s true. What I’m sure of is that there still are people who believe this nowadays.

And the manner of stealing has already evolved.

A gardener and a recipient can act as if stealing happens. The plant owner puts the plant down and turns around as if he/she is clueless, while the recipient takes it away as a form of “stealing.” The role-playing, they say, has the same effect on the plant.

Well, that’s an interesting one.

Plants grow happy when you talk to them

talking to plants

You were probably wondering why your grandma, aunt, mom, or elder neighbors were talking (or even singing) to their plants before when you were young. I mean, that must be a crazy thing to do, right? There’s no way these plants could hear their voices and certainly couldn’t talk back.

Nevertheless, the act could have had some benefit to the plants. Otherwise, how could your garden be lush and lavish if our ancestors didn’t talk to them? Apparently, there’s a belief that plants tend to grow happier when you speak to them.

And the reason for that? It’s the carbon dioxide that one produces once one talks or sings.

We know carbon dioxide is a must for plants to carry out photosynthesis, which is their way of making food. I can see there must be some scientific basis for this belief. So, go ahead and happily talk to your plants now.

Plant potatoes on Good Friday


Are you a Catholic? If yes, then most probably, you celebrate Good Friday. For Catholic farmers or gardeners, Good Friday is a good time to plant potatoes because they believe that doing so will make the plant “holy”. Some stories say that the seeds of potatoes are even sprinkled with holy water before planting.

This tradition stemmed from when the potato tuber first arrived in Europe. People were skeptical of this crop, believing that it was evil. So, to keep the evil spirits away, they sprinkled holy water in the soil first before they planted potatoes.

Now, we all know that potatoes are not from the devil. But certain people in the cooler zones of the US still practice this. Some believe that Good Friday, along with Easter Sunday, symbolizes rebirth and fertility because of Jesus Christ’s resurrection.

It’s time to plant when you can sit in your garden soil bare naked

naked woman in the garden

Would you dare sit on your garden soil bare-naked? Now, that sounds funny but believe me, there were many gardeners in the past who did this to determine if the soil’s temperature was already suitable for planting seeds.

Doing gardening things in the past must have been tough without access to soil thermometers. Farmers had to resort to using their bare posterior just to have a feel of the soil. If they could sit on the soil comfortably, that means the soil is now safe for growing the seeds and seedlings.

Thank God, we don’t have to do that now!

Use Epsom Salt to fix plant issues

epsom salt

Some gardeners still believe in magic and for some reason, they think that Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) are an all-around type of fertilizer that does magic to your soil. So, they treated this as a secret ingredient and included it in the soil any chance they get.

The problem is Epsom salts aren’t always applicable. You need to have the soil tested and analyzed first before you decide if an amendment like this will be beneficial. There’s a need for more research and scientific evidence to prove its efficacy.

Nevertheless, some gardeners who are engrossed in this fad tend to shy away from this fact. And they keep adding Epsom salts to their gardens. All I can say is good luck!

Planting peppers when you’re angry will make the peppers hotter

hot pepper

If there’s a better time to plant hot peppers, it’s when you’re angry! This plant folklore makes us believe that peppers will get hotter when planted with an irate mood. Although I suspect, it’s kinda hard to plant and do gardening when you’re irritated.

But to those who did this, I hope it worked and made your peppers extra hot.

In truth, peppers come in different varieties. This means that they have different levels of hotness. So, to make things easier, just choose and plant a variety that is hot in nature.

Because no matter how angry you get when planting sweet bell peppers, they’ll never be as hot as the cayenne pepper.

Foxglove is often associated with witches

foxglove used by witches

You’ll be surprised to know that behind the beauty of foxgloves flowers there lies a dark legend. It’s believed that foxgloves are associated with witches. It was believed that wherever there are foxgloves, there are witches that lived nearby.

So, leave the plants alone and never ever cut them. Otherwise, the witches will get mad and you’ll attract bad luck in return.

Others believed that fairies used foxgloves to create ointments that they use to be able to fly. Whether this is a made-up story or not, people must have picked up something leading them to make “flying ointments” that create hallucinations and visions.

Such ointments include foxgloves as an ingredient, along with other highly toxic and hallucinogenic plants.

Fennel keeps off evil spirits


The sweet, spicy, and earthy smell of fennel must be something that evil spirits detest. According to folklore, hanging fennels is one way to keep demons, witches, and other dark spirits away from your household. So, they always have a bundle or two hung over their doorways.

Regardless of whether this is true or not, the beautiful scent of fennel herb is something that makes our cooking delicious. And many gardeners plant fennel for culinary purposes.

Today, fennel essential oils are also available in the market. The essence of this herb help relieve worries, provide comfort, and revitalize energy. It also has healing properties helping relieve digestive problems and menstrual cramps.

Elder tree

elder tree

The elder tree has always had a bad reputation, especially from Christian’s point of view. Legend says that it is the same tree that Judas Iscariot hanged himself. Judas represents betrayal and greed because of what he did against Christ, the Savior back then.

Thus, elder trees remind us of the devil’s face.

Compared to rowan and oak trees that were greatly revered before, elder trees are detestable to most people. It’s a tree you would not dare knock if you don’t want to wake the evil fairies residing within.

Ruta graveolens

rue plant

Ruta graveolons is the scientific name of rue, an herbaceous perennial herb that has medicinal properties. In the past, people used rue to protect themselves against black magic and curses, werewolves and diseases like convulsions, gaol fever, and plague. They used to wear rue around their necks.

Gardeners used to plant rue to protect the garden from toads because it smells like beetle insects. It also wards off back luck in the house.

In folklore, the best time to harvest rue would be morning or Sunday. That way, you’ll benefit from the herb of Grace.

Final Thought

Folklore has always been a part of our culture and tradition. Whether the stories associated with these outdoor or indoor plants are true or not, it’s interesting how such beliefs influenced the way our ancestors lived their lives.

You may or may not believe or follow these traditions. It’s completely fine. But it’s also nice to hear these stories from the past.

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