Philodendron Brasil Plant Care

If you’re familiar with Brazil’s flag, then you now have an idea of how Philodendron Brasil looks. This specific variety of Philodendron is named after the Brazilian flag, a country in South America, from which the plant originated.

The heart-shaped leaves have a dark green color on their sides adorned with a lime green variegation in the middle. The variegated leaf makes this plant special and well-loved by Philodendron enthusiasts.

PLANT NAME: Philodendron hederaceum ‘Brasil’

Other Name: Philodendron brasil, Heartleaf Philodendron

Plant Type: Vining Philodendron

Native Areas: South America

Light Requirement: Bright indirect light, partial shade

Watering: Moderate

Fertilizer: Liquid, balanced fertilizer once a month during Spring and Summer months

Toxicity: Toxic to pets and humans

Temperature: 55-95°F (13-35°C)

Propagation: Stem cuttings

Growth: Fast growing

Soil Type: Airy and well-draining, loamy and slightly acidic

More About Philodendron Brasil

Just like its other relatives, the Philodendron Brasil boasts beautiful foliage. It has the same heart-shaped leaves as that of pothos, hence, they’re often mistaken to be the same. However, what sets Philodendron Brasil apart is its unique variegated leaf.

This plant has a trailing habit and could grow up to five feet long when planted in a hanging basket. It also has a fast-growing habit which is why it could easily bring a pop of life to your space together with other indoor plants.

Some choose to plant their Philodendron Brasil in a pot allowing it to grow upwards, which is fine. Installing a sphagnum moss pole is a big help to train the vines in the other direction.

Even though Philodendron Brasil was once a rare plant, it’s not that hard to find it nowadays. They’re more available now in the market than before. So if you wish to add to your collection of tropical beauties, the Philodendron Brasil is one great option.

Philodendron Brasil Care Tips

philodendron brasil @flickr

As far as Philodendron Brasil care is concerned, newbies and non-green thumbs won’t have to worry. This plant is never gonna make you feel bad about gardening as it’s easy to grow, care for and maintain.

Down below, we listed the basic growing requirements to fulfill to successfully grow Philodendron Brasil.

Ideal Soil Type

potting mix

An airy and well-draining potting soil should be your preferred mix for your Philodendron Brasil. A mixture of equal parts of potting soil, peat moss, perlite, coco coir, and orchid bark will achieve the right soil structure and texture which benefit the growth of its root system.

The potting soil should have a high retention of moisture but also good drainage to avoid getting soggy. If buying pre-mixed soil, choose one that has been previously sterilized.


You can place your Philodendron Brasil in the brightest spot of your home such as a sunny window because it loves bright, indirect light. Exposure to direct sunlight could be fine for a few hours in the morning but don’t let the plant sit there for too long. The direct sun could harm the foliage especially when too intense.

When natural light is scarce, you can use artificial light as a supplementary source. This will help augment your plant’s need for light energy to be able to photosynthesize. If you notice your Philodendron Brasil reverting its variegated leaves and end up having leggy growth, it’s because of exposure to low light conditions.

In such cases, aim to provide more light around your Philodendron Brasil plant.


It’s ideal to keep the potting medium moist but avoid having soggy soil. Excess water in the soil could lead to root rot, which is often a cause of many troubles in potted plants. Rather than relying on a watering schedule, it’s best to wait for the soil to get completely dry before soaking it again with water.

A finger test is a simple method you could use to know if it’s time to water or not. Insert your finger into the soil and have a feel if it’s moist or dry. From there, it’s easy to decide whether to water or not.

Another thing to consider when watering is the availability of drainage holes in the container. Make sure it has good drainage so no water will remain stagnant in the pot.

Temperature and Humidity

Philodendron hederaceum ‘Brasil’ is a tropical species. Hence, it prefers warm temperatures and highly humid environments. The ideal temperature range is between 55-95°F (13-35°C). It’s best to treat this Philodendron Brasil as an indoor plant, especially if you live in colder regions.

Cold snaps and freezing temperatures will bring damage to Philodendron Brasil. Make sure your plant is protected during these times of cold temperatures. Keep it away from cold drafts as well.

To increase humidity, try to use a pebble tray or a humidifier. These will help increase the moisture level in the air around your Philodendron resulting in a lush and fuller plant.



Most Philodendrons won’t need regular fertilization as long as the potting mix is rich. But there may be times when there’s a need to provide supplementary nutrients. Before you decide to fertilize or not, check your outdoor plants and assess if it needs a little boost.

If yes, you could feed a liquid balanced fertilizer from Spring to Summer months to help your Philodendron Brasil grow healthily. Make sure to dilute it with water according to the label’s instructions.

In the winter months, it’s time for your variegated Philodendron Brasil to go dormant. At this point, there’s no need to add fertilizer.


You may need to prune regularly to keep your Philodendron Brasil to a manageable size. Remember this plant is a fast grower and if you choose to let it grow indoors, you’ll need to maintain it to a certain size.

Apart from that, pruning also helps get rid of the leggy stems along with the dry or dead leaves. This practice will encourage healthier and fuller growth. It also prevents the spread of diseases or pests.

Remember to use sterilized and sharp scissors when pruning. Make a slanting cut in the stems you intend to prune, leaving a clean wound. If you prune the healthy stems, save them for propagation. Discard the pruned parts that look unhealthy like those with yellow leaves.


As with many houseplants, there comes a time when your Philodendron Brasil would need repotting. Watch out for signs of root-bound and that’s your signal to transfer your plant to a larger container. The usual signs would include stunted growth, roots peeping out of the drainage holes, and yellowing leaves.

The best time to do repotting is during the growing seasons: Spring and Summer. Use a fresh potting mix and a container that is an inch larger than the previous one.


philodendron brasil propagation

The few healthy stem cuttings you saved from pruning are the perfect material to use for propagation. But make sure these stems are vigorous, not diseased, and have a node in them. The roots will develop above those nodes.

You can remove the basal leaves to reduce moisture loss and retain only the young leaves.

You have the option to root them in water or plant the cuttings directly into the potting soil. Keep the soil moist and allow the nursery pot to sit in an area with indirect light. Wait for 3 to 4 weeks and once you notice new growth, it means your propagation is successful.

You can transfer it to a new container such as a hanging pot. Now, you have a new Philodendron Brasil baby to care for.

Philodendron Brasil Similar Plants

Here are some Philodendron varieties that look close to the appearance of Philodendron Brasil.

Philodendron ‘Lemon Lime’

philodendron lemon lime

Lemon lime is another variety of the Philodendron hederaceum. It has a close resemblance to the Philodendron Brasil as it has heart-shaped leaves and also a trailing growth habit. The foliage color is almost yellow and it’s strikingly vibrant.

Philodendron micans

philodendron micans @flickr

P. micans have the same foliage form and growth habits as Brasil and Lemon-lime cultivars. However, the color of its foliage is different. The soft velvety leaves come in a combination of red, green, and bronze hues, making it look like royalty.

Philodendron Brasil Common Diseases and Pests

Mealybugs, spider mites, scales, and fungus gnats are the common pests that affect many houseplants and your Philodendron Brasil isn’t exempted. That’s why you need to constantly inspect your plant for any presence of these organisms. Remove them while they’re few so they won’t bring serious trouble.

Some diseases such as bacterial leaf spots and bacterial blight may also affect your Philodendron Brasil. Just make sure to prune out affected areas to prevent the spread of disease..

Frequently Asked Questions

These two varieties belong to the same species Philodendron hederaceum. They have similar foliage shapes and growth habits, but they differ in their foliage color and variegation pattern. Philodendron brasil has dark green foliage with a lime green variegation in the middle.

On the other hand, the Lemon-lime variety has a green-yellow foliage color.

This phenomenon happens when your Philodendron Brasil lacks exposure to bright light. The variegated leaves revert and end up having a solid green color. What you can do is relocate the plant to well-lit areas like sunny windows.

Not necessarily. You can mist your Philodendron Brasil only when it needs extra moisture. This is when the humidity is low. Another way you can do to improve humidity is by using a pebble tray or humidifier.

You can purchase a live Philodendron Brasil plant here at Plantly. What you’ll get is a fully rooted cutting that’s potted in a 3-inch pot, which you can readily transfer to a new container. Shop now while stocks last.

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