Scindapsus Treubii Plant Care

This attractive climbing plant is a popular choice among both novice gardeners and seasoned botanists. Any collection would benefit from the addition of the Scindapsus treubii. This is a reasonably simple species to care for in terms of difficulty.

It’s a low-maintenance plant with distinctive leaves and gorgeous foliage!

Scindapsus treubii

Another fun fact about this beauty is that the Scindapsus treubii is separated into two types: the Moonlight Scindapsus and the Dark Form Scindapsus. You can distinguish the two because the exquisite oval-shaped leaves of Scindapsus Moonlight have a silvery gloss to them.

And the Scindapsus treubii dark, on the other hand, has dark green leaves that can seem black under certain lighting conditions.

Want to add this plant to your botanical garden? Well, I’m telling you that that is not a bad choice at all! Read below to find out more.

Scindapsus treubii Plant Care Basics

Before we give you the Scindapsus treubii care tips, take a look first at the plant’s overview. I’ll promise it will be a great help.

Scindapsus Treubii care card

Best Potting Mix

cactus soil mix

A well-draining growth medium with plenty of aeration is required for these plants. The optimum soil for Scindapsus treubii is any well-draining cactus or succulent potting mix. You can add a handful of Perlite, orchid bark, and compost because these are all beneficial to the plant’s soil. But make sure they’re all distributed evenly. Aside from that, your plant will thrive as long as the soil drains quickly.

How often should we water them?

It’s crucial to prevent overwatering with the Scindapsus treubii. Allowing your plant to sit in water is never a good idea. If it gets too wet or too dry for an extended period, the leaves may curl under. Ensure also to check if your pot has enough drainage holes.

Water your plant regularly, allowing the soil to dry between waterings. It’s essential to keep in mind that you want the soil to be moist but not soggy. Before you water it again, use your finger to check that the soil’s top 1 to 2 inches are dry.

Pro tip: Mineral deposits on these plants may occur if they are watered with tap water. As a result, filtered water is a superior choice.

Ideal Lighting

plant lighting requirement

Plants of the genus Scindapsus treubii prefer bright, indirect light. For best results, place it in a room with lots of filtered light. The sunshine will scorch the leaves of your Scindapsus treubii, thus keeping it out of direct sunlight. On the other hand, it will also grow slowly if placed in a shaded environment. So, find a happy medium.

Pro tip: You can place it next to a West or East facing window or under shade cloth to filter and soften the light that hits your Treubii.

Temperature & Humdity Requirement

Scindapsus treubii plants need warmer temperatures because they are endemic to tropical Asian jungles. They thrive in a consistently warmer environment of 55oF (12.7oC) throughout the year.

Keep your plant away from a cold window or air conditioner vent. Plus, they do not survive in the winter. So, move them to a warm location as soon as the temperature drops below 15oF (-10oC).

These tropical plants enjoy humidity and a gentle misting of water every now and again. For this Scindapsus, a moisture level of 40 to 60% is optimum. If you notice that the air is dry, spritz the plant or add a humidifier to the area.

plant humidifier

You can also install an indoor plant humidifier if you want to go the extra mile. Or, if you have many plants, you can group them together to attain the optimum humidity.

Pro tip: A lack of humidity might be indicated by the yellowing of leaf margins.

Fertilizer Requirement

During the growing season, a monthly or diluted weekly application of a suitable houseplant fertilizer is recommended. A diluted variant of 20-10-10 fertilizer can be used. You can also use a nitrogen-rich fertilizer to help maintain the foliage of your Scindapsus treubii thick and lush.

Pro tip: Organic fertilizers, such as fish emulsion or vermiculite, can be used. These offer an advantage over synthetics in terms of preventing salt buildup in the plant.


Thinking of buying another Scindapsus treubii moonlight? Well, I’m here to tell you that you don’t have to! Just propagate those beauties. The warm days of spring through the middle of summer are ideal for propagating the plants. Here’s how you’ll propagate the Scindapsus treubii:

  • Cut a 5 to 7-inch long stem from the bottom leaf, just below a node. Make sure the stem-cutting has at least one node.
  • Fill a small pot halfway with an appropriate growth mixture and fill it halfway with water.
  • Remove the leaves from the cutting’s lower side and place them inside the pot. It should be around three inches deeper.
  • Mist the dirt and place it in a growing box or a plastic bag to protect it.
  • Place the arrangement in a warm area with plenty of indirect light. After three to four weeks, the node will sprout tiny roots.
  • Each stem cutting will be ready to go to its new home after around 3 months.

Growth Zone

This gorgeous plant is hardy in USDA zone 10b.


Scindapsus treubii potting

Simply choose a pot that has drainage holes. A high-quality clay container with plenty of holes is excellent. Plastic containers can also be used, although root rot must be avoided at all costs.

It’s better to wait until your plant has clearly outgrown its current container before repotting it. Roots coming out of drainage holes are an obvious sign that it’s time to repot. Keep in mind that repotting this outdoor plant regularly is unnecessary and can possibly hurt it. Aside from that, if the plant becomes diseased or water-logged, you can also change the container or topsoil.


Pruning is rarely required for this slow-growing vine. You may easily trim the plant if it appears out of shape by cutting off the excess growth. Instead of the dormant months, this should be done during the spring blooming season.

Scindapsus treubii Varieties and Similar Plants

If you’re looking for another similar plant like this beauty, we will also provide them for you. There are many various types of Scindapsus to pick from, ranging from standard to highly rare.

Here they are:

Scindapsus treubii ‘Dark Form’

Scindapsus treubii‘ Dark Form’ is a lovely climbing vine with lance-shaped dark-leafed leaves. The leaves are thick and lustrous, and the internodal space is relatively short. The plant might resemble ladder rungs as it climbs a surface.

Scindapsus pictus’ Silvery Ann’

The leaves of ‘Silvery Ann’ are comparable in size and form to ‘Argyraeus,’ but they are much more variegated. Silvery shine covers at least half of the leaves, with speckling or splashes on the remaining area.

Scindapsus pictus ‘Jade Satin’

The leaves of this plant are dark, deep green and have a shine to them. It’s hard to get by, but it’s a prolific grower like the other Scindapsus pictus kinds.

Scindapsus treubii Diseases & Pests

These plants are generally pest and disease resistant. Still, if they do succumb to an undesirable insect attack, you can treat them with a decent, commercial insecticide. Just keep in mind that it is a toxic chemical, so don’t use too much of it and wear protective equipment when using it.

All pests and common plant diseases are also prevented with dilute neem oil. If your plants become infected with mealybugs or aphids, use insecticidal soap. Wash your plants with fresh water and insecticidal soap.

Aside from that, this plant will do great if you don’t overwater it, leave it in the sun or cold all day, or keep it in a highly drafty environment.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes! Scindapsus Treubii is a rare green houseplant that is difficult to come by. And it is a big hit in the field of botany, particularly among houseplants.

This can be the outcome of one, two, or all three reasons. First, make sure your plant is getting enough water. A Scindapsus that has been under-watered may begin to droop and wilt. Next, check to see if the plant is receiving sufficient light. If neither of these is the case, see if the roots have outgrown the plant’s existing container.

When given the right conditions, a happy Scindapsus treubii can grow fast with heights of up to 8 feet. Their distinctive leaves can also grow pretty large, reaching from 4 to 20 inches in length.

You can now have your own Scindapsus treubii plant here at Plantly! Yes! We offer such beauty, plus we provide faster transactions online. Don’t hesitate to click that button, and see you in our inbox!

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